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    Procedure and Policies

    Procedure and Policies

    Procedure and policies for laboratory maintenance and purchases:
    1. A register is maintained in every department in which the requirements of special chemicals, Glassware/Apparatus and Instruments/Equipment are given by the teachers, which is required in the laboratory.
    2. For daily uselab items and equipment like chemicals, minor instruments and glassware, based on the usage and availabilityof the same in all the labs and store, their requirement is ascertained for the next semester and then procured mostly through GeM, rate contract or spot purchase.
    3. All requirement is then submitted to the Teacher in Charge (TIC), who in consultation with the Department Purchase Committee, approves the list.
    4. The final requirement is then entered in the order book and signed by the TIC, Purchase Committee Convener and the Principal of the College and the order is placed.
    5. After receiving the chemicals, Glassware/Apparatus and Instruments/Equipment, they are checked and countedwith demonstration wherever applicable, by the teaching and non-teaching staff and entered in the stock register for proper record keeping and kept in the store.
    6. These new items are received by the laboratory staff, from the store, after the entry in issue register.
    7. For high value appratus/instruments/equipment the purchase is done through GeM,e-tender or normal tendering as per GFR and order is placed with the lowest quotee who qualifies the technical bidafterapproval of the TIC, Purchase Committee Convener and Principal. The above process is repeated for the remaining steps.
    8. For petty cash expenses such as Watch cells, stationary items etc.
      1. Firstly, for the items, which are available in the college store, we use a requisition form, which is available in the administrative office. After filling that form it is presented to the TIC and the Principal for their approval and the items are collected from the College store.
      2. For items not available in the college store, the said items are purchased from the local market, with the approval of the TIC of the Department. After the said purchase from the local market, the items are entered into the petty expense register.
    9. For Instruments/ Equipment maintenance: For the Instruments/Appratus/Equipment maintenance, Laboratory Attendant/ MTS in the Laboratory clean and maintain the instruments daily. Before the class, the faculty check the instruments/appratus/equipment’s, to ensure they are in properworking order or not. Sophisticated, expensive and delicate instruments are kept at duly assigned place to ensure that there is proper handeling under the supervision of designated faculty member.
    10. Stock Registers: Following types of register are used in the laboratories:
      1. Consumable item Register (For items such as Chemical, Glassware etc.)
      2. Non-Consumable item register (For items such as Fixed Assets)
      3. A separate register is maintained for contingency expenses.
      4. Daily Issue register

    Library: As per University of Delhi ordinance, the Library Committee, one of the Staff Council Committees, is the coordination committee for all library related activities such as

    1. Laying down the guidelines for purchasing of books and other academic resources.
    2. Grant allocation to each department.
    3. Considering the requirements of the library.

    All other physical and infrastructural requirements of the library are considered by the other Staff Council Committees like Building and Infrastructure Committee, Purchase Committee, etc.folowing all due procedures as laid out in the GFR.

    Physical Education and Sports: The Department of Physical Education and Sports runs programmes aimed at making maximum contribution for the optimum development of the individual’s potential by placing them in an environment as favourable as possible. All sports items are entered in the ERP of College website and stock register as well. Two Ground men take care of the store and playing fields and provide sports equipment for the students to play. Coaches for different games provide coaching to the college sports teams.

    Facilities available for Sports:
    1. Sports Room - 1
    2. Archery Field - 1
    3. Cricket Pitch - 1
    4. Chess Playing Area - 1
    5. Multi- Sports Hall (Judo, Taekwondo, Table Tennis, Yoga ) - 1
    6. Kabaddi Field - 1
    7. Volleyball Court - 1
    8. Gymnasium - 1
    9. Store for sports equipment - 1
    10. Medical Room – 1

    Computers: Two Senior Technical Assistants are entrusted with the responsibility of looking after all matters relating to procurement, purchase, installation and maintenance of computers, software, computer labs, Wi-Fi Center, LAN, internet connectivity and all hardware support and software support of the college. All purchases are routed through GeM or e-tendering following all norms laid down in GFR. The stock registers for the same are maintained by the Caretaker of the College for College systems and by the respective departments, labs, Library for the systems and software being used by them.

    Classrooms and General Infrastructure: The Caretaker of the College is responsible for the maintenance of all College infrastructure including classrooms, seminar rooms, auditoriums, green areas etc. The Caretaker is the custodian of all stock registers of the college pertaining to all the assests of the college. All new construction activity, mantenance work and infrastructure development work is supervised by the Caretaker following the rules and regulations of the UGC, University, different funding agencies and GFR.

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